Welcome to Fidonet Zone 1 - Official North America site
Amusing files from Nick Andre, 1:229/426, Zone Coordinator 1.
Most systems use the Internet BinkD transport layer but a few dialup modem systems are still around.
Quick downloads for Wednesday September 11th 2024, day 255
File | Date | Size | Description |
Zone 1 has less than a handful of active systems. Occasional Echomail banter still goes on.
Region | Area |
10 | South west (CA, NV) |
11 | Mid west (AZ, NM, UT, WY, CO, IL, IA, KS, MO, NE, OH, IN, KY) |
12 | Eastern Canada (MB, NU, ON, QC, NB, NS, PE, NL) |
13 | Northeast (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WV) |
16 | Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) |
17 | North west / Western Canada (AB, AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, NWT, SK, WA, YT) |
18 | South east (AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, PR, DO) |
19 | South (TX, AR, OK, LA) |
Region 14 and 15 were merged into Region 11.
To be Nodelisted in Zone 1 you agree to Policy 4 and required to demonstrate a system that can process Netmail. Grab the latest Nodelist or Dailylist, setup your software correctly, then send a Netmail to your Region or Network Co-ordinator.
Copyright (c) 1994 - Nick J. Andre, Ltd.